Plagiocephaly is the term for a misshapen or flattened head. A baby may develop plagiocephaly in the womb due to crowding, or as an infant from too much time spent in the same position, such as lying on their back. Rarely, it is caused by brain malformations or unilateral sutural synostoses. Since supine sleeping (sleeping on the back) was recommended to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), head deformities have increased. An infant's rapidly growing head is flattened when it is held in a nearly fixed position against the uterine wall or mattress. In most cases, deformational plagiocephaly will improve within a few months after birth, especially if a full range of neck movement can be achieved rapidly. A cranial molding helmet will most likely be recommended if the plagiocephaly does not improve. We can supply you with an expertly crafted helmet at J.L. Artificial Limb & Brace of Bullhead City, AZ.
Helmet therapy, using a helmet expertly crafted by J.L. Artificial Limb & Brace, helps your baby's head grow into a more normal shape while providing a safe environment. It does not press on the head, but rather facilitates proper growth. A small window of opportunity exists to correct the infant's skull. Helmet therapy is most effective between the ages of 3 and 7 months because the rate of skull growth is fastest in these ages. However, helmets remain effective until the infant is 12 months old. An orthotist will spend a lot of time taking a medical history and asking you about your child's condition. We will measure the child's head to determine the degree of asymmetry. By using computerized 3D scanning technology, the helmet can be designed quickly and efficiently from the scan of your baby's head. Treatment can last 3-6 months depending on the age of the infant and severity of the condition. An early diagnosis of deformational plagiocephaly will lead to a maximum correction. A helmet is worn 23 hours a day for successful head remodeling. Your orthotist and physician must closely monitor your progress.
(928) 299-3130
Address: 1730 Highway 95 suit 10 bullhead city Arizona 86442
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday 9AM - 5PM